Shanti Vidya Mandir School encourages and promotes art culture in a vibrant and inclusive manner. Our students are creative and talented in music, theater, dance and visual arts .


Our school is well with musical instruments and great infrastructure cater to the music lessons to our students, whether it's a group class or a solo tutoring. We offer individual music instruments to every students.


Our school is well with musical instruments and great infrastructure to cater to the music lessons to our students . whether it's a group class or a solo tutoring. We offer individual music instruments to every students.​

Blackboard Activity

Blackboard is one of the premier on-line LMS. It is a flexible “all-in-one” system, which has been selected as appropriate for student learning for the following reasons (Bradford et al., 2006-2007; Watson and Watson, 2007).

  • It is a good medium for communication and exchange of information.
  • It provides good peer support and peer coaching – contributes to enhancing peer learning.
  • It promotes lifelong learning and active engagement concepts.
  • It exposes students to modern technology and
  • It provides additional resources to teaching and learning.

Class room

Teacher Training Session


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